Prelude Blog

Industries Most Vulnerable To Cyber Attacks With the ever-increasing presence of technology, cyber attacks have ramped up over recent years. Industries of all types face cybersecurity threats that put sensitive data at risk for millions of people worldwide. 4 Top Industries Targeted by Cyber Attacks Even though anyone can face a cyber attack, there are…

How to Handle a Data Breach at Your Nursing Home Data breaches in any healthcare setting cause serious problems. As technology gets more and more advanced, patient and resident data migrate onto computer networks. While this digital system provides benefits, it also brings a substantial risk for breaches that compromises nursing home data or cyber attacks at other…

The Benefits of Network Management in Healthcare Everything nowadays relies on technology. From manufacturing to office jobs and even healthcare, there are no industries that exist without the use of technological systems.  If companies can’t keep up with these new developments, then they will struggle to stay competitive and provide for their customers. That’s especially…

Resident Technology Support Technology is essential for effective communication within the senior care industry. Fully functional technology enables workers to do their jobs more efficiently and allows residents to connect with off-site friends and family members better. To keep digital devices up and running, senior community and assisted living technology support is crucial. In this article, we’ll look at…

Case Study: Retirement Housing Foundation Retirement Housing Foundation Objectives: Solutions Provided: Retirement Housing Foundation (RHF) is one of the largest non-profit providers of housing and healthcare services for seniors, the disabled and low-income families. There are over 20,500 RHF residents living in 185 communities across the United States. In 2015, they realized the need to…

Case Study: National Church Residences National Church Residences Objectives: Solutions Provided: National Church Residences is the nation’s largest, not-for-profit provider of senior health care, housing, and services for over 340 communities throughout the United States. In 2012, they realized the need to partially outsource their IT healthcare services in order to keep up with the demand of their growing…

Are Your IT Operations at Risk? In today’s modern landscape, technology drives many businesses to increase digital advances and stay on the cutting edge of technological innovation. It’s no surprise that most healthcare facilities and organizations continue to incorporate new technologies into their daily operations. However, this raises one important question that must be addressed…


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